Libels Party 2k19
Friday, 15th November 2019, Libels held an event called Libels Party or Liberty. It is an annual event that will shows Libels' extracurricular such as traditional dance, band, and many others and also there will be a performances from some guest stars. For this year, Libels invited 3 guest stars. The guest stars are Didi Kempot, Kahitna, and Reality Club. Beside those performances, there were Food Festival and Friday Market. The Food Festival provided some foods and beverages such as McD, Yoshinoya, and Pesen Kopi. For the Friday Market they provided clothes and any other stuff.
The opening guest star was Reality Club. It greeted the audiences with light music that made the audiences sang lightly. The next performance was Kahitna. Kahitna made the audiences threw back through their famous songs. And the closing performance was Didi Kempot. Didi Kempot made the audiences sang and danced through his energetic songs. "The committee successfully bulit the euphoria of Liberty and also broke the expectations from the audiences. Liberty 2k19 is very different from the previous year," said Quinneisha, student of Libels. One of the audiences said that Liberty 2k19 was very exciting and fun. with the positive responses from the audiences, we hope that Liberty 2k20 will be more successful than 2k19.
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