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Kahitna successfully amazed the audience in Liberty 2K19

Kahitna successfully amazed the audience in Liberty 2K19

SMAN 15 Surabaya has an annual event called 'Liberty' (Libels Party).

This year, Liberty comes with the theme 'aetherealm'. 'aetherealm' comes from three words; aether, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky.

Liberty 2K19 presents three guest stars including Reality Club, Didi Kempot, and Kahitna.

One of the guest stars awaited by the audience was Kahitna. Kahitna performed by bringing their hits, and successfully amazed the audience.

Kahitna made Liberty this year filled with the impression of nostalgia. All the audience sang and danced with friends and family.

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I know them but I don't know their song. So I can't enjoy the show :((

18 Nov


17 Nov

the atmosphere was great and hilarious

17 Nov

Where is sobat ambyar

17 Nov


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