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on Friday, 15 November 2019 there was an anual event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya at Jatim Expo. That event called Liberty (Libels Party). This year LIBERTY 2k19 theme was "AETHEREALM". Aetherealm comes from 3 words; æther, ethereal, and realm which means a magnificent world beyond the sky.

Not only presenting music concerts, but there were also Foodfest, Libels Exhibition (mural which made by SMAN 15 student), photobooth, and many other tenants. In addition, the Band and Solo Competition winners also entertained the audience on the Liberty stage but before that this event began with the performances from Libels extracurriculars such as Saman Queen and etc.

After the talents were being presented, the main event started with the performance from Reality club which amused the audiences with their indie genre following with the performance from the band Kahitna with their pop genre, they brought songs such as "Soulmate", "Andai Dia Tahu" and "Cantik" which made many audiences fascinated. And last but not least, the event end with Didi Kempot as the last to perform, with his campursari genre, he made many people sang and dance happily.

"I really love the concept of Liberty 2k19 and the performance from all of the guest stars today." Said Lintang one of the SMAN 15 student. This event has successfully being held and brought more than 4,000 audiences.

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