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Libels Canteen
SMAN 15 Canteen

Libels Canteen

My school is located in Menanggal street and it has various facilities, one of it is the school canteen. It is perhaps the most favorite place in school. It becomes very busy during the break times so its very difficult to find a seat to sit on during those times, so we have to bring our food or drink to class or maybe corridor seat.

Our school canteen is very well equipped. There are every kind of snacks, like fried noodles, fried rices, chicken and rice, drinks, etc.

We pay the canteen seller with cupon which we exchange in the library. Usually when it comes to break time, there will be a queue in the library because there so many students who want to exchange money for cupon. The cupon has various colors depends on the amount of the money. We pay the amount of money exactly as the amount of cupon we want, for example if i pay 10.000 rupiah i will get 10.000 rupiah in cupon as well.

"The cook charges very reasonable rates from us. We love the food and drink. The place also comfortable for us to eat and discuss the event of the day." said the kids in 12-6.

I think that the school canteen is my favorite place in the school. I always enjoy myself there, and look forward to the recess when I can rush to the canteen with my friends.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


good, follback

02 Oct

Hmmmmm delicious....

01 Oct

Not a big deal :v

30 Sep

Mam Sai is The Best

01 Oct

The foods look so yummy... Don't forget to follow back my account

30 Sep

Uwuww nicee

01 Oct

very nice

30 Sep

very impressive

02 Oct


02 Oct


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