7th Anniversary gambesmania
Gambesmania. Gambesmania is a designation for loyal supporters of senior high school 15 surabaya. Gambesmania was established on December 4, 2011, which was founded by the 27th generation. Far from being a supporter. The name Gambesmania started from a joke at a gathering place for Libels residents until the word 'Gambes' which means 'The big family of Sman 15 Surabaya' appeared. Well, the beginning of Gambesmania itself used to be nothing more than a small community based on friendship & family that aims to unite all elements of the Libels citizens for one purpose of moving together to support the senior high school 15 surabaya to compete. Until in the end Gambesmania actively became a loyal supporter of Sman 15 Surabaya wherever he was and enlivened the supporter student scene in Surabaya In addition, this December 4 was chosen in the name of our respect for the birth day of the originator of the name 'GAMBES' which first left the pride and extended family he aspired to. This Gambesmania has also changed leadership relayes several times: 1. Haykal Bayu (2011 - 2012) 2. Eka Nanda (2012 - 2013) 3. Rizaldy Dwi Putra (2013 - 2014) 4. Rizal Ramadhani (2014 - 2015) 5. M Ghufron A (2015 - 2016) 6. Ibrahim Abdurrahman (2016 - 2017) 7. Rizky Adityatama (2017 - 2018) 8. Ade Reza A (2018 - present) Today, Tuesday, December 4, 2018, the 7th Gambesmania is growing. Signifying that new hopes and great hopes for Gambesmania continue and will always be fulfilled, may Allah always give His Grace and guidance for the success of Gambesmania wherever and whenever. Do not forget also the hope for Gambesmania to be able to move forward and increasingly achieve in the future, always strengthen togetherness, develop in positive terms for the alma mater, and continue to work. Still keep together, because Gambesmania is us. Our love will never end. ♥ ️
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