The Excitement of Liberty by SMAN 15 Surabaya
Last friday, was the day awaited by many people. How come? That day was the day where Libels, nickname of SMAN 15 Surabaya held a party called Liberty or Libels Party. All groups of children, teenagers, and even parents were very enthusiastic to attend the event. Liberty this year invited Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot.
Liberty is held in Jatim Expo Surabaya. This party is filled with thousands of people. The party was very crowded. The event began with performances the winners of band and solo vocal competition. In addition, there are also extracurricular performances such as traditional dance, anabel, and saman queen. All the audience sat while enjoying the performance presented.
The highlight of the event begins. The first guest star is the reality club. The audience who initially sat down, now stands and sings together. Some are capturing this moment by taking videos.
The event continued with the appearance of the second guest star, Kahitna, with a loyal fan named Soulmate. They are very happy when their idol sings. When singing, one female audience was asked to go on stage. She was very happy when hugged and kissed by personnel Kahitna. It certainly makes Soulmate jealous of her. Hysterical screams make the atmosphere more crowded.
The event closed with the performance of the last guest star who was highly anticipated, Didi Kempot. Sobat ambyar, his fans, are very hysterical in singing his songs. one of the songs is pamer bojo. All the audience danced together enjoying the beautiful song.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Good Job
That was an amazing show!
Kak Kakak brp bersaudara.. Kok semua nya nama blakang nya libels?