Incredible Liberty
Libels of party or liberty as we call it an annual event held by 15 surabaya high school. The event that always features an incredible guest star and this year 15 high school invites Didi Kempot,Kahitna, and Reality Club. Organized with full of hope of this event is going to be the best than the other events SMAN 15 Surabaya ever held, they serve us with a magnificent stage and a lot of interesting bazaars.
This event is open to the public. Everyone who have some liberty tickets can enjoy the event. You know why we chose Didi Kempot for the guest star? We chose didi kempot because he is now Booming in Indonesia. Many peoplewere looking for Didi kempot's show.
Kahitna is also one of the guests waiting for teenagers with the songs. Soulmate is the fan base from kahitna. Many soulmate came to see the kahitna. Kahitna have a lot of song and i think the one of the popular song is "CANTIK".
I'm very enjoyed the event and I was very proud to be a part of high school 15 surabaya.
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