cashless payment,why not?
SMAN 15 Surabaya is one of a state highschool in Surabaya. Its history, influence, wealth and academic reputation have made it one of the most prestigious state high school in Surabaya. This school always develop it's quality in every aspect and element. For example what we heard lately, a new ID Card system. This new ID card system is different from the previous generation id card. The New ID card have a barcode in the back side.
parking payment at SMA 15 this time is different because before students pay with sincere but with an ID card,students must pay and always refill the balance in order to enter the parking area.
Rochelle,one of the students of SMA 15 high school argued about this new ID card "According to the New policy of school's payment, our brand new id card should be used as our cashless payment in school. This is a great movement, by utilizing the tech of cashless payment, our school became more sophisticated and benevolent for having this audacity to take one step ahead for a better SMAN 15 Surabaya. But changes not always comes with a good impact. One of the bad impact, when we run out of balance in our card, we must top up the card to fulfill our balance. "
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nice work
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Ok thank yo
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U too beroo
Nice work bro
Waw u too bro
great article
Waw thank you
Omg so cool
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Wow Great article!
Thank you tirana
So amazing! Great article!
Thanks evi
A great article
Waw thank you
Good job bro!!
You too bro
Wow rosel very beautiful!!!
Rosel always beautifullll
nice! guys dont forget to followback me,comment and check my article!!
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Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
Thank youu
Thank youu
Cashless = gapunya duit
Good improvements
Thank you