Achmad A.R Libels

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The New Competition in Libels
The uploaded video for Plastic Waste Counceling Competition

The New Competition in Libels

At the beginning of september 2019 Mr. zaenal, vice principal of SMAN 15 announced that libels held a new competition namely the plastic waste counseling vlog competition.This competition is held on September 6th. Each class with their respective representatives must take part in this competition.This competition aims to find the best videos of students who will then be displayed at neighboring schools such as SMAN 18 and SMA ITP. Hearing this the class representative students competed using their own creativity to get the best videos and become winners.

The evaluation of this video contest was carried out by the committee with criteria for the origin of the video, the suitability of the flow of the video with the script, interesting and easy to understand. videos that have been made by students are then uploaded to youtube and instagram with #penyuuluhlimbahplastiklibels, the latest uploaded on September 12th. Winners in this competition will be announced during the flag ceremony on September 16, 2019, for the winning student will get money coaching.

After the video collection, I saw the video results of each class representative that has been uploaded on YouTube, the results are good and interesting. But unexpectedly 12th grade ipa 5 won 3rd place in this competition.

"Actually the target of the competition is to make a good education video, but the goal has not been conveyed to the citizens of libels about the importance of counseling waste. Just a suggestion, so that more goals are not achieved through the competition,but through other activities" in the opinion of one participant

Hopefully the competition like this is not done only once but repeatedly to explore the creativity of students

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