Didi Kempot in LIBERTY 2K19
One of the big events organized by SMAN 15 is a music concert or known as Liberty.
This event has been held several times.This year LIBERTY on Friday, November 15, 2019 was held at the Jatim Expo which was toned up by guest stars including Didi Kempot, Kahitna, and Reality Club.Not only music concert, bazaar arena and mural exhibitions are also here. The murals are created by Libels's students.This year's event really impressed the audience.
Behind the excitement of Liberty 2k19 there is an inspiring story from one of the guest star that is didi kempot.
Who don't know Didi Kempot?
Didi Kempot is a campursari singer who become rising in this year. He born 31st December 1966 in Surakarta.
Behind his success, who would have thought Didi Kempot used to be a busker. This man from Surakarta busking from the sidewalk to the sidewalk like a street busker in general.
The name of the group at that time was the Kelompok Pengamen Trotoar which, if abbreviated to Kempot. Well that's the name that finally stuck in Didi's stage name today.
Since a career in 1989, Didi has created around 800 songs. Didi said, the song Cidro was the fastest made by him.
From around 800 songs that have been made by campursari singer Didi Prasetyo or Didi Kempot, there is one song that impressed him the most.
The song is Cidro, which means breaking a promise.
I hope this didi kempot story can inspire us, who would have thought someone who used to be a busker is now a very famous person.
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